Reelfoot Lake - A Winter Adventure

It is hard to find a reason to leave the house to venture into the depths of a cold, wet, winter. I’m very much like a hobbit that way. Photography is one of the few that calls me away from my books and blankets this time of year.

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Off To Ohio

I had to make an unexpected trip to Northern Ohio last week. It was unfortunately not a pleasure trip. But a chance to see family and photograph a new place is never wasted. A cousin of mine played tour guide at Mill Creek Park in Youngstown, OH. Despite the cold, it was beautiful. Not to sound cliche but it was truly a winter wonderland. With 2,658 acres of park to explore there is plenty more to see. I hope to visit it again when there is no danger of my camera equipment freezing. Spanning 2,658 acres and two cities, there is plenty more to explore.

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